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Marketing Like a Pro

Marketing is the lifeline of any startup and you won’t see considerable benefits without it. Huge companies will pour millions into marketing without batting an eyelid. They’re assured of the returns and know the worth of investment.

While you may not have the resources of these multinationals, they’re great examples to use for influence as you create own. You too can market like a pro.

Use social media

Social media is the gold mine of the 21st century, not only does it allow you to stay in direct contact with your customers, it also allows for feedback.  Every startup uses social media but if you intend to use it like a pro, start with this:

  • Boost your posts: This applies to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter; giving your post a paid    boost is a guarantee for increasing your fan and customer base.
  • Engage: Putting up posts won’t just cut it, like the captcha motto ‘’prove you are not a robot”. Engagement is what differentiates your company’s social media account from some other bot-operated accounts that are all over the social media space. You must engage and know the difference between social media accounts. You wouldn’t post an article on Instagram. Know how and when to engage according to each platform.

Explore other advertising means

Social media is not the only advertising channel available on the internet. You can explore pay per click sites where you pay other websites to place a link to your site on theirs. It is noteworthy to say that Google is not the only company that offers pay per click campaigns.

Disruptive email marketing

The truth is no one reads cold marketing emails anymore. They’re all the same and customers are all too familiar with the style. If you use email marketing, you must ensure that your subject line is captivating.

The subject must be one that spurs the customer or prospect to read on. Pick your subject right if you intend to boost up on your mail opening rate.

The tips listed above remains what they are; tips, it is your ability to use them properly that distinguish between a good company and one that is only struggling to stay afloat.  

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